Consent to participate in manual therapy training

Consent to participate in manual therapy training.

Participation in interactive skills development involves experience, observation and feedback and is essential to ongoing professional development. Characteristically these skills should be introduced and then developed through practice on peers (colleagues) prior to application in a clinical context. Whenever a procedure is demonstrated the lecturer will demonstrate using safe practices and you will be given time to ask questions before commencing practice.

You are encouraged to act as a model for the teaching and learning processes involved in the acquisition of therapy skills. However you are under no obligation to agree to be a model and your refusal is in no way a barrier to your continued eligibility to participate. Manual therapy procedures may involve palpation in personally sensitive areas. If you feel uncomfortable with any procedure, it is your right and responsibility to ask the practitioner to stop.

Throughout the course you are responsible for your own health and safety and it is very important that you understand this. If you have any medical problem that might be made worse or otherwise prevent you from agreeing to act as a model or undertake any of the demonstrated skills, it is your responsibility to inform the lecturer.

I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the practitioner should I experience any untoward symptoms during a procedure. I acknowledge that it is the responsibility of the practitioner to stop the procedure immediately should I indicate such symptoms or request that it should be stopped.

During the training, participants will be taught a wide variety of techniques and it remains the responsibility of each participant to determine which techniques fall within their own scope of practice.

© 2024 Manual Therapy Institute.

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