Welcome To Manual Therapy Institute

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The Manual Therapy Institute is an education and training organisation for health care practitioners. Our training is scientifically based and clinically orientated.

The techniques and concepts presented are based on the philosophy that the body functions as an integrated unit.

By evaluating and treating dysfunction within the musculoskeletal, visceral, fascial and neurocranial systems, practitioners can help alleviate acute and chronic pain and ailments that are often unsuccessfully managed in conventional practices.

This often results in a more rapid and comprehensive solution for clients and greater job satisfaction and incoming referrals for the practitioner.

The Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT) series broadens therapists scope of hands on approaches to successfully manage clients with pain. The course integrates Strain Counterstrain with visceral manipulation and cranial techniques to treat dysfunction within the musculoskeletal, visceral and neuromeningeal systems. The series is scientifically based and clinically orientated and is split into 4 two day modules with pre-reading and self examination accompanying each module. IMT1 needs to be completed as a pre-requisite to any other module.  read more

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